2018 Corn Silage Overview
Joe Lawrence, Allison Kerwin and Tom Overton share insights on what to expect from this year's corn silage in a Forage Management fact sheet.
"For many areas of the state corn silage harvest got off to an early and good start, but wrapping up the harvest has been challenged by wet conditions in many areas.
As 2018 corn silage sits in storage, hopefully fermenting for the next few months before being fed out, it is helpful to understand how this crop might feed compared to 2017. Using the New York and Vermont Corn Silage Hybrid Evaluation program as an indicator of corn silage performance gives us some idea of average performance. Data for the detailed hybrid-specific report of the trials is still being processed but we do have enough information to look at overall performance trends.
Keep in mind this is an average of certain locations in the region and your conditions may vary. On your own farm it is helpful to take samples of your forage at harvest and prior to feed-out to understand the opportunities and challenges as you begin to feed this year’s crop. We also need to remember that while fresh samples can be a helpful indicator, some characteristics of the forage will change during fermentation, particularly starch digestibility."
NYAAC Releases Quarterly Report
The New York Animal Agriculture Coalition (NYAAC) is a charitable 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization committed to being a proactive voice and source of factual, credible information about New York dairy farms and their role in today’s food system. Their intention is to strengthen the public’s trust and support for our family farms that contribute to a safe, wholesome, affordable and sustainable food supply. Efforts highlighted in NYAAC's Quarterly Update are primarily focused on dairy farms, and includes the Birthing Center at the Great New York State Fair.
Sign Up for Ag Workforce Updates
The Ag Workforce Journal provides news, updates and other helpful information about the agricultural industry from Richard Stup, Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development, and other human resource experts.
Diversity and Inclusion are part of Cornell University's heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities. |
Academy for Dairy Executives Deadline Extended
There's still time to apply! The deadline for Academy for Dairy Executives (Academy) is extended until November 9. The next Academy will be held in Northern NY, starting in December. The Academy is an educational opportunity designed for progressive dairy executives and agri-service personnel to develop the necessary leadership and
business management skills to lead your dairy business into the future. The Academy provides a forum for producers to learn from and network with each other, along with the presenters, during three one-night sessions over three months. Academy is approved for up to 30.25 Dairy AdvanCE continuing education (CE) credits.
Academy for Dairy Executives
Sessions begin December 2018
Northern New York
Feed Dealer Seminars
December 10 - 14, 2018
6 sites in New York and 1 in Vermont
Succession Planning Kickoff Seminar for Farm Businesses
December 14, 2018
Syracuse, New York
This year’s conference will focus on addressing the challenges surrounding succession planning for farm businesses, including tax, legal and estate implications, family communication, and financial issues. Speakers will include Steve Walker, Esq., Erica Leubner, MSW, of NY FarmNet, and John Lehr of Farm Credit East.
In addition, a diverse panel of producers will share their experiences around business transition. Following the program, producers will be able to sign up for a three part follow up workshop series, which will focus on helping the farm prepare to move forward with their transition planning process.
Operations Managers Conference
Building a Productive Culture -
Cows, Crops and People
January 22 - 23, 2019
Syracuse, New York
CDEP Management Symposium
February 26 - 27, 2019
Syracuse, New York
Herd Health and Nutrition Conference
April 8 - 9, 2019
Syracuse, New York
Calf Management Online Course
Begins April 2019