“Everything seems so complex now. So big, often so frightening. Small wonder that people look for easy solutions, attempt to find answers in simple alternatives….It is difficult to see the future, to understand the present needs, to recognize, grasp and follow our mission. Difficulty, however, is no excuse for sitting still or turning back. This is not the nature of the people of North Carolina.”
–NC Governor Terry Sanford, April 8, 1963
We’re talking about something complex at our Emerging Issues Forum in Charlotte on October 15. We’re trying to see if we can identify strategies that will enable us to make meaningful progress in helping working adults move up from jobs that enable them to barely get by to jobs that will help them support their families.
There’s nothing easy about that. Of the 1.35 million adults in our state who have only a high school education, about three quarters are making less than $35,000 a year. They want and need something to change if they are going to break out of the challenges of just getting by and move into the hope of being able to support their families in the future.