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Community Development and Policy Studies News
Where are all the small-dollar mortgage loans?

Homes under $70,000 make up a significant share of housing stock in both urban and rural communities, but mortgage credit to purchase them is extremely limited..
Introducing our monthly e-newsletter
This monthly e-newsletter from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's Community Development and Policy Studies division will keep you up to date on the latest community development research, publications, and events.
Keeping the Fed informed on low- and moderate-income communities
The Federal Reserve Board's Community Advisory Council offers diverse perspectives on the economic circumstances of low- and moderate-income communities. Their most recent meeting covered a wide array of topics including access to credit, housing affordability, labor markets, and retail banking.
Did household inequality make the Great Recession worse?
The decline in economic output and consumption that occurred during the Great Recession has been significant, even throughout the recovery. In this Chicago Fed Letter, the authors explore how inequality has contributed to this trend.
Competitiveness of ethnic minority neighborhoods in metropolitan areas in the Seventh District
This analysis finds that ethnic neighborhoods in economically growing metro areas tend to have high job growth, underscoring the value of policies that promote economic inclusion.
Upcoming community development events
Keep up to date on community development events in the Seventh District and around the Federal Reserve System.
Community Development and Policy Studies (CDPS) is a division of the Economic Research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago that promotes fair access to credit and financial services. CDPS researches key issues affecting access to credit and economic opportunity, convenes diverse community development and policy stakeholders, and connects financial institutions and their intermediaries with places in need to foster effective interventions.

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