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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
with support from
The Entertainment Industries Council (EIC) 

 Announces a Special Webcast Series for Media Professionals

The Power of Language and Portrayals:
 What We Hear, What We See

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Access Webcast HERE on February 9th, 2017

Click Here to Register 

This webcast will explore the impact of trauma on individuals and those who witness traumatic experiences in various environments—such as home, school, and community—as it relates to substance use disorders. Trauma and violence in the U.S. is widespread, harmful, and costly public health concerns. Just like substance use disorders, trauma can affect anyone with no regard to age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The webcast will address the positive effect that various groups such as the faith community and peer-to-peer engagement plays in helping individuals get the treatment and recovery services needed.

                                      Moderated By
Ivette Torres

Ivette A. Torres | MEd., M.S. | Associate Director for Consumer Affairs, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Ms. Torres is an expert in communications and organizational development and oversees the CSAT team responsible for generating and disseminating mental and substance use disorder treatment and recovery best practices to SAMHSA's mission-related constituents. She develops national public health education strategies and campaigns including the observance of the National Recovery Month, celebrated each September. 

    Meet our Panelists 

davidbwDavid A. Washington | MSW, Advocate and Trauma Specialist 

r. Washington has worked to advance the field of trauma services in the criminal justice system and has extensive experience on trauma informed care and services. 

Mike WalterMike Walter | Member of Radio, Television, Digital News Association (RTDNA) | General News Anchor | Host of Full Frame at CGTN-AMERICA

Mike Walter created the documentary "Breaking News, Breaking Down," which won a host of awards including honors at Sundance and Cannes. The film is now used a teaching tool on journalism and PTSD at universities in the U.S., Germany, Sweden, and Peru. 

Father RaganRagan Schriver | PsyD, MSW | Director, MSSW Program | Assistant Professor of Practice, College of Social Work University of Tennessee 

Ragan Schriver, PsyD, MSW, is the Director of the MSSW program at the University of Tennessee, College of Social Work as well as a Clinical Assistant Professor. Ragan also serves as Social Work Consultant at Catholic Charities USA, which takes the trauma-informed approach to working with their clients. 

maryblackbwMary Blake | Public Health Advisor at the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Ms. Blake is a member of SAMHSA's Trauma and Violence Strategic Initiative workgroup, works with SAMHSA's National Center for Trauma-informed Care and Alternatives to Seclusion and Restraint, and is the Co-Chair for the Federal Partners Committee on Women and Trauma.

Submit questions in advance for panelists  
 to by February 3, 2017.

Power of Language and Portrayals: What We Hear, What We See
for more information about the Series

To learn more about the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration visit the SAMHSA website
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To learn more about the Entertainment Industries Council, Inc., visit the EIC website.

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A Multi-Dimensional Look at Substance Use Disorders and/or Mental Health Issues, Their Treatment and Recovery for Social Media Campaigns

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