
DASNY News & Updates: October 2016
DASNY-Sponsored Event Smashing Success at NYS MWBE Forum
More than 2,000 registrants met in Albany for Governor Cuomo’s Sixth Annual New York State
MWBE Forum. DASNY staff members were there to help firms build the connections they need
to work with us — the nation’s largest issuer of low-cost, tax-exempt bonds and one of its
biggest public builders.
While members of DASNY’s professional staff were positioned at key panels throughout the two-day Forum held on October 5 and 6, the Authority’s role was punctuated by an hour-long meet and greet that was standing-room only with more than 200 people in the room.
DASNY President & CEO Gerrard P. Bushell delivered a keynote address at the DASNY event and opened the October 5 panels that covered contracting opportunities for finance, accounting and investments. In both cases, Dr. Bushell described how DASNY is providing its clients with greater flexibility and high-level service. The more DASNY does for them, the more it can do to increase the capacity and prospects for MWBE firms, he said.
“By leading on MWBE contract participation, DASNY is helping to broaden opportunity and increase the dimensions of our economy,” Dr. Bushell said. “We are working to ensure a level playing field, where all of us, regardless of where we came from, the color of our skin or our gender, have an equal opportunity to advance.”
“Building New Partnerships and Reinvigorating the Old:" DASNY President & CEO Gerrard P. Bushell Addresses National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC)
On October 14, DASNY President & CEO Gerrard P. Bushell delivered the keynote address to the New York chapter of the National Association of Minority Contractors.
Dr. Bushell described the obligation he has as DASNY’s leader to make sure the almost 1,000 projects in DASNY’s construction pipeline, valued at about $6 billion, are delivered efficiently. It is an obligation, he said, to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely. And it is an obligation to ensure the needs of DASNY’s clients are supported in every endeavor.
Through this process, DASNY is financing and building strong and inclusive communities, making them more attractive to businesses around the world.
“Building this sturdy economic foundation for New York requires that we all work together to take advantage of the opportunities we have,” Bushell said at the event. “It means building new partnerships and reinvigorating the old. It means working together to remove the barriers from the path to success for the next generation. It means leading New York State into a brighter future.”
You can read Dr. Bushell’s speech in its entirety here.
The Bond Buyer Ranks DASNY as Most Frequent Issuer
DASNY was cited by The Bond Buyer in October as having the highest number of low-cost, tax-exempt bond issuances in the nation through the first nine months of 2016.
The $4.1 billion DASNY delivered to the market over 28 issuances provides savings to the Authority’s health and education clients, and places DASNY fourth overall in volume in the nation, up from seventh place through the first half of the year.
Alternative Delivery Method: Construction Manager Build Now Available to SUNY and GOSR
On October 7, DASNY’s Board approved “Construction Manager Build” as an alternative project delivery method at its monthly meeting, adding one more tool to DASNY’s toolbox.
Under this system, the owner holds the contract with the architect and hires a construction manager to bid, award and administer the individual trade contracts and oversee the construction work. The construct places the risk of subcontractor performance on the Construction Manager, providing DASNY’s clients with greater flexibility.
“These tools provide our clients with options for sharing risk with the private sector, and the process for speeding project delivery,” DASNY President & CEO Gerrard P. Bushell said. “By being flexible for our clients, we will grow our construction pipeline and increase our impact on New York.”
DASNY in the News
SUNY Cortland re-opened the newly-renovated DeGroat Hall, a DASNY-managed project valued at $7 million that increased the residence hall’s energy efficiency.
The refurbished residence hall opened its doors October 13 with 146 beds, marking the first major renovation of SUNY Cortland’s four-story brick, Georgian-style residential facility since it was built 65 years ago.
“From new floors and energy-efficient lighting and heaters to bath, bed and laundry room upgrades, this work exemplifies the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York’s commitment to providing quality living environments for SUNY students,” said DASNY President and CEO Gerrard P. Bushell. “These sustainable and safe spaces will help ensure SUNY Cortland will continue to attract the best and brightest.”
You can read the full release here.