Planning an Event in Arlington
Welcome to Arlington, Virginia, and the Washington Metropolitan Area!
Welcome to Arlington, Virginia, and the Washington Metropolitan Area!
Arlington at a glance
Average hotel room cost
USD 163
Average meal cost
USD 71
Largest hotel
701 rooms
Total hotels
Total rooms
Number of convention centers
Convention center space
345,398 sq. ft.
Largest convention room
53,000 sq. ft.
Highlights of Arlington
Arlington National Cemetery
1. Arlington National Cemetery
With many notable memorials and grave sites, Arlington National Cemetery welcomes three million people annually. Make time to visit the John F. Kennedy gravesite and eternal flame and Tomb of the Unknown Solider to witness the Changing of the Guard ceremony, performed by the U.S. Honor Guard.
The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial
2. The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial
The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial honors the 184 people whose lives were lost at the Pentagon and on American Airlines Flight 77 on September 11, 2001. Each of the memorial units commemorates the life of one of the victims and is organized by the year the victim was born.
Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima)
3. Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima)
The memorial was based on an iconic photo of the second flag-raising on the island of Iwo Jima during World War II. While it depicts one of the most famous incidents of World War II, the memorial is dedicated to all Marines who have given their lives in defense of the United States since 1775.