Calculate your potential savings

How much do you spend on meetings and events?

Fill out the form and see just how much you could be saving. These are only estimates so we recommend playing around with both methods of calculation to see what makes sense for your organization. Finally, print the results and become the hero of the company.

1. Choose your method for calculating savings

2. Select Industry

3. Enter {{anualLabels[roiBase]}}

Please enter a valid amount (no letters or special characters)

Estimated Meetings Spend

The amount of money your company likely spends on meetings today.


Estimated Savings

Based on industry averages, the amount you could expect to save from implementing a meetings management program.


NOTE: These are estimates. We recommend that you play around with both methods of calculation to see what makes sense for your organization.

Click here for a detailed ROI analysis. Need help? Give us a call and we’ll walk you through it.

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Once you've calculated your potential ROI, you are ready to start writing your Business Case