Turn renovation pains into gains

We totally get it - the pressure from owners and their high expectations can be a bit overwhelming. But with Cvent's marketing solutions, you can transform renovation chaos into long-term profits. You'll not only sell out your rooms but maximize ADR and RevRAR. Cvent helps hotels exceed profit expectations and win valuable business away from the competition!

Turn renovation pain to gains

Hear from your industry peers

Propel your revenue sky-high

Catching planners' attention during the sourcing journey is key to group success. The Cvent Supplier Network® is the best way to launch your refreshed hotel to the world's largest pool of group planners. Our planners are always looking for the newest, most exciting concepts for their next event. You are the perfect solution

Propel your revenue

of total renovation cost that is typically allocated to marketing the renovation (Industry average)


of planners are more likely to convert if they are retargeted with an ad


daily searches on the Cvent Supplier Network®

Seize the spotlight at every stage

Start engaging quality planners by increasing awareness when they are sourcing with Blog or Newsletter ads. Remain top of mind with Video Retargeting even after they have exited the Cvent platform. Showcase your meeting space by linking to your Interactive Floorplans and Photo-Realistic 3D rooms so planners can experience your renovated space firsthand. Position yourself against the competition in various markets with Comp Market Ads. Highlight your most exciting offers with Gold Promotions and Marquee Ads. Connecting with planners throughout the buyer journey means additional exposure and a higher likelihood of conversion.

seize the spotlight