The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for faculty and students to share their work and ideas during the Catalyze 2023 Conference, March 9-11, 2023 in Washington, D.C. Proposals for educational sessions should be submitted no later than September 15, 2022.
Proposals will be considered in the following categories.
• Educational research
• Curriculum
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Wellbeing
• Innovation in education
• Veterinary workforce
• Recruitment and retention
• Career pathways
• Supporting the student experience
• Climate change and education
• One Health education
In keeping with AAVMC’s core values, a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in all categories is strongly encouraged.
The following attributes are encouraged for educational sessions:
• Evidence-based presentations that examine research and survey trends
• Presentations that feature interactive learning and/or small group discussion
• Proposals from collaborative, multi-institutional teams
• Incorporation of interprofessional perspectives
• Proposals with a global focus
If desired, proposals can also be submitted for consideration on the AAVMC’s Learn virtual platform; selecting this option will have no impact on the review process.
Before logging in to complete your proposal, please be prepared with the following information:
• Proposal title:
• Presentation type: workshop, panel, or individual presentation
• Presentation category
• Preferred length (30 minutes, 60 minutes)
• Primary contact name
• Primary contact email address
• Primary contact phone
• Primary contact photo and brief biography
• Co-Author(s) (please include name, email, degrees/certifications, title, and institution)
• Please limit panels to no more than 4 members so that speakers have adequate time for participation
• Submission details: 800 character (max) abstract describing the topic, message and intended outcome
• 2-3 session learning objectives (300 characters)
• Primary action-oriented takeaway described in one sentence (200 characters)
• Include 2-3 scholarly references underpinning the presentation topic
• A 2-3 sentence description to publicize your presentation in the conference program and app (500 characters)
• Draft agenda (1 page maximum; Word, PDF, JPEG)
• Be prepared to indicate whether you would like your proposal to be considered for inclusion on the AAVMC Learn online platform