/cleveland, ohio
/july 8-11, 2025

Submission Deadline

October 27, 2024 11:59 PM PT

Thank you for your interest in submitting a session for CSTA 2025! Our presenters are what make CSTA a great conference each year. 

The information on this page details out the updated proposal and review process for the 2025 conference. Please be sure to read through the entire page before submitting. 

Have a question that's not answered here? Reach out to the CSTA Conference Team.  

The Proposal Process

Presenter Details

  • On this page, you will be asked to enter details for each presenter in the session. For the CSTA 2025 conference, one complimentary registration will be provided for the primary presenter per presentation.
  • Any information submitted on this page will not be seen by reviewers and will only be viewed by the committee as needed.

Presentation Information

  • On this page, you will enter the proposal title (max 60 characters), the proposal description, and a short 140-character description.
  • You will select the applicable topics to this presentation.
  • The information submitted on this page will be used to create the online conference program. CSTA reserves the right to make adjustments, and a copy editor will review before publishing.

Presentation Details

  • In this final step, you will be asked to share an outline of your presentation that includes your timing, as well as your  learning goals, discussion questions, and activities.
  • You will select your presentation type on this page as well.

Topics of Interest

The CSTA 2025 Conference Committee is specifically looking for content in the following areas: 

  • Unplugged Activities
  • Cross-curricular Integration
  • Student Identity/Culture in CS Education
  • Physical Computing / Robotics
  • Classroom Practice / Pedagogy / Instructional Strategies
  • Feedback & Assessment
  • Cybersecurity
  • Computational Thinking
  • CS in STEAM or Makerspaces
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Impacts of Computing
  • Professional Growth & Identity for Teachers
  • Advanced Topics (Beyond AP CS A)
  • Algorithms & Programming
  • Project-based Learning
  • Data Science
  • AP CS A
  • AP CS P
  • Artificial Intelligence (including Machine Learning)
  • Instructional Design
  • Data & Analysis
  • Coaching & Administration
  • CS Education in the Community
  • Teacher Wellness
  • First Year CS Teacher
  • CS Teacher Recruitment & Retention
  • CS Student Recruitment & Retention
  • CS Education Partners/Industry
  • Ethics

Presentation Types

Breakout Session (60-minutes)

A 60-minute session should be a mix of presentation and discussion/hands-on activity.

Workshop (3-hours)

A 3-hour workshop that should mostly have participants doing or discussing rather than listening.

Mini-session (20 minutes)

A Mini-session is a 15-minute presentation with 5 minutes for discussion/questions. Mini-sessions will be presented on the Flash talk stage in the exhibit hall. 


Poster presentations will be on display in the exhibit hall throughout the duration of the conference. Presenters will be assigned a two-hour period of time where their poster will be available for attendees to view and ask questions. CSTA will provide tackboards to display the poster. Presentations will be printed and transported to and from the event by the presenter. 


Aug. 2: Call for Proposals Opens

Oct. 27: Proposal Deadline

Dec. 1: Review Deadline

End of February 2025: All Speakers Notified




How to Submit

  1. Click "Log In" at the top of the page.
  2. Create a login specific to this call for proposals. If you submitted last year, you will need to create a new account. Be sure to save your login information!
  3. Click "Submit Abstract" and complete the questions in the form.
  4. All proposals must be completed by Oct. 27.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email from the CSTA Conference Team once your proposal has been received.

You will be able to begin a proposal as a draft, and login and edit your proposal until the call for presentations closes on Oct. 27, 2024.

Selection Criteria 

Reviewers will be asked to assess the following aspects of the proposals:

  • Standards: 
    • CSTA Standards are identified and accurately match the proposal topic. There are three or more educational/best practices listed that are grounded in research.
  • Content: 
    • A detailed outline of learning goals, discussion questions, and activities. Activities are appropriate for the proposal type (e.g., Workshop, Session, Mini, Poster). Activities can be achieved within the allotted time.
  • Engaging and Relevance: 
    • The proposal topic is highly engaging. It fits the grade level(s) identified. The proposal topic is highly creative, innovative, and/or relevant for CS Education professionals.
  • Takeaways: 
    • The takeaways are extremely clear including both tangible and intangible resources and objectives.
      Participant resources are detailed, and describe handouts or other materials.

CSTA reviewers will be evaluating proposals based on the criteria in this rubric.

About the Review Process

  • Submitter details are kept confidential from reviewers in an effort to eliminate bias from the content review.
  • Reviewers are CSTA Members that have volunteered their time and expertise. They are working with a 2025 conference committee member to review content, and have completed training.
  • Reviewers will provide an overall recommendation and comments which will be shared with the proposal submitter after the submission is selected.
  • Reviews will be tabulated for use by the Conference Committee. The Conference Committee will select proposals deemed to provide a well-rounded and timely program with respect to topics and school levels. Presenters' past inclusion and performance at CSTA conferences may also impact selection.

Interested in being a reviewer? You can apply here by Oct. 18.

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