/cleveland, ohio
/july 8-11, 2025
Submission Deadline
October 27, 2024 11:59 PM PT
Thank you for your interest in submitting a session for CSTA 2025! Our presenters are what make CSTA a great conference each year.
The information on this page details out the updated proposal and review process for the 2025 conference. Please be sure to read through the entire page before submitting.
Have a question that's not answered here? Reach out to the CSTA Conference Team.
The Proposal Process
Presenter Details
Presentation Information
Presentation Details
Topics of Interest
The CSTA 2025 Conference Committee is specifically looking for content in the following areas:
Presentation Types
Breakout Session (60-minutes)
A 60-minute session should be a mix of presentation and discussion/hands-on activity.
Workshop (3-hours)
A 3-hour workshop that should mostly have participants doing or discussing rather than listening.
Mini-session (20 minutes)
A Mini-session is a 15-minute presentation with 5 minutes for discussion/questions. Mini-sessions will be presented on the Flash talk stage in the exhibit hall.
Poster presentations will be on display in the exhibit hall throughout the duration of the conference. Presenters will be assigned a two-hour period of time where their poster will be available for attendees to view and ask questions. CSTA will provide tackboards to display the poster. Presentations will be printed and transported to and from the event by the presenter.
Aug. 2: Call for Proposals Opens
Oct. 27: Proposal Deadline
Dec. 1: Review Deadline
End of February 2025: All Speakers Notified
How to Submit
You will be able to begin a proposal as a draft, and login and edit your proposal until the call for presentations closes on Oct. 27, 2024.
Selection Criteria
Reviewers will be asked to assess the following aspects of the proposals:
CSTA reviewers will be evaluating proposals based on the criteria in this rubric.
About the Review Process
Interested in being a reviewer? You can apply here by Oct. 18.