The Street Medicine Institute is pleased to announce the opening of its 2024 Seed Grant award process!
Award Description and Objective
SMI’s goal is to assist early stage street medicine programs in the United States – particularly in areas not currently served by street medicine – advance toward a more sustainable level of operation. Supported by the generosity of the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation, two successful grantees will each receive an award valued at over $14,000 to include:
The SMI consultation will include one day on-site in the grantee’s community, along with up to 8-10 additional hours of telephone or video call support throughout the grant year. Awardees are encouraged to attend the full International Street Medicine Symposium and the Street Medicine 101 workshop as part of their consultative process.
Written reports about how the Seed Grant has impacted the development of the program will be required.
Applicant Criteria
Successful applicant programs will have moved beyond the concept phase to the early stages of program development. The Street Medicine Institute is looking for evidence of steps already taken to prepare your team for its work. For example, while street rounds are essential to every street medicine program, it takes much advance preparation to arrive at the point where a team is ready to perform rounds. Not doing rounds yet does not disqualify your program, but you must demonstrate that you will be able to begin street rounds early in the grant year.
You’ll find questions addressing the following topics in the application. Successful applicants will be able to provide evidence of progress or planning in each of these areas:
For a full list of application questions in the Seed Grant application, please review the Application Details.
Award Process and Schedule
March 5, 2024- Grant Program Announcement and Application Released
April 30, 2024- Application Due
Early June 2024- Finalist Applicant Interviews
Mid-June 2024- Grant Awards Announced
July - September 2024- On-site Consultations Take Place
September 15 - 18, 2024- International Street Medicine Symposium in Kansas City, MO
July 2024 - June 2025- Ongoing Consultative Support from SMI
If you have any questions, please contact the Street Medicine Institute at