Information regarding abstract submission for the
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Special Interest Group of the WFNR (NR-SIG-WFNR) 22
nd Conference

This is a multidisciplinary conference incorporating all rehabilitation disciplines including Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work, Medicine and Nursing. The primary focus of the conference is the assessment and rehabilitation of neuropsychological consequences of acquired brain impairment.

All Abstracts must be in English, limited to a maximum of 2,500 characters (including spaces), for research studies use the following headings in sentence case and bold: Background and aims, Method, Results, and Conclusions. Note that there will be three presentation formats at the conference (i) 15 min oral presentation, (ii) poster plus 5-minute oral presentation ('datablitz session') and (iii) poster only.

Prizes will be awarded for DataBlitz and poster presentations. DataBlitz will be adjudicated on the 5 minute presentation only according to the following criteria: (i) Clarity of the research question / theory / service description /clinical formulation; (ii) Appropriateness of methodology in relation to the aims; and (iii) how well the quality/content of the presentation encourages listeners to go and view the poster.

Posters will be adjudicated according to the following criteria: i) Quality & clarity of theoretical framework/model (Quality and clarity of methods and analysis if it is an empirical study); (ii) Quality of visual presentation; and (iii) Clarity of key messages

Three Student Assistant bursaries, consisting of free registration to the conference are offered this year. Two are for individuals to assist at the registration desk, the other one is to assist with AV. An application form is available on the website by clicking the Student Bursary Button.



· Abstracts may be submitted for Platform, Datablitz (5 minute oral plus poster) or Poster presentation formats (please see complete details in the section below). Prospective presenters are invited to indicate their preferred presentation format, although the final decision will be made by the scientific committee. You will also be asked to pick a topic (or 2) if none of the topics stated fit then pick "other"

· All abstracts must consist of original work. Abstracts that have been previously published should not be submitted.

· All research, results, and conclusions should be final at the time of submission.

· There is no limitation on the number of submissions by one author; however, authors are asked to use discretion since submitting multiple abstracts may create scheduling problems. 

· All submissions will be peer reviewed. The Program Committee Chair will make the final decision on all submissions.

· Accepted abstracts must be presented at the conference by an author or his/her designated representative. Any authors who will attend the conference must register for the conference and pay the appropriate conference registration fee.

· Abstracts that are accepted and presented at the conference will be available for delegates via the Smartphone App and on the NR-SIG website.


Presentation Formats

Platform sessions: Platform sessions comprise individual oral presentations, which are scheduled together with other thematically related platform papers at the discretion of the Program Committee Chair. Between four and six individually submitted abstracts will be chosen for each session. Each abstract will be allotted 15 minutes for oral presentation and audience discussion. A moderator will rigorously adhere to these time limits to allow time for discussion.

Datablitz sessions: Datablitz sessions include a 5-minute oral presentation and a Poster. The session is arranged prior to a break so delegates can hear the presentation and then go to the Poster and discuss with the author. If you are given a Datablitz presentation you will be sent instructions on how to structure your PowerPoint presentation and Poster.

Poster sessions: The poster format has proven to be an effective and popular method for communication of scientific information. Poster sessions will be designed to provide a more intimate forum for informal discussion than is permitted by regular platform presentations. Poster presenters will stay with their poster for the duration of the poster session and are encouraged to bring handouts for interested viewers. The posters should be Size A0 (portrait style preferred).


Abstract format

Submissions must be formatted according to the following guidelines, and be limited to a maximum 2,500 characters including spaces (excluding author information).

All submissions must be in English, in Calbri font 11pt, with single line spacing, and with all abbreviations written in full on first use.

· For empirical research studies, use the following subheadings: Background and aims, Method, Results, and Conclusions. 

· For descriptive/theory studies, you need not use prescribed subheadings, but you should ensure your descriptive data/theoretical arguments are presented in a way that ensures the reviewers can assess its scholarly quality.

Title: sentence case and bold;
Authors: sentence case - surname, first name, superscript for affiliations;
Affiliations: sentence case - department, institution, city, country; 

Abstract structure: abstract with the following headings in sentence case and bold

Background and Objectives: typing typing
Method: typing typing typing
Results: typing typing typing
Conclusions: typing typing typing
Correspondence: Corresponding author and email address;

Click here to download the Call for Abstracts with examples of how to layout the abstract.

Please SUBMIT the abstract in WORD FORMAT electronically via CVENT using the link below.

All inquiries regarding the conference should be referred to Matt Eagers or go to the website 

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