Submission Guidelines

1. Timelines

2. Structure for all submissions

3. Presentation methods

4. Refereeing procedure

5. Further information

Log into the submission system. You will need to create an account if this is the first time you are submitting.

1. Timelines

Authors are strongly advised to register on the on-line submission system and begin preparing their submissions well in advance of the deadlines below.

13 September 2024: Online submission system open

4 October 2024: The deadline for symposia

25 October 2024: Notification of submission outcomes for symposia

2. Structure for all submissions

All submission abstracts should be up to 250 words, exclusive of the title. Abstracts should not include references and should be written in either the past or present tense. Abstracts of accepted papers will be available to download on the conference website.

Abstracts must be structured according to the following format, incorporating the indicated headings and information:


The Convenor will need to submit the symposia summary, max of 250 words, (abstract title and symposia title will be the same on the system). For the Symposia summary please use the first available section ignoring all others.

Each presenter within the symposia can now submit their own paper, alternatively the convenor can submit them all. Each paper is submitted individually and then linked to form a symposia. Only the reviewers and BPS Conference team can see the full linked symposia.

To link the papers together you will need to ensure that each paper also includes the symposia title. Please note: If symposia titles are not typed exactly the same the papers will not be linked. 

For each paper submitted linked with a symposia, please ensure that the title includes the paper number. For example: (1) {Title of abstract}, (2) {Title of abstract} etc.

Please ensure the summary title starts: (S) {Title of summary}

In previous years the most frequent reasons submissions were rejected included;

● Failure to meet the submission criteria (particularly by not following the required format, omitting information or details that must be evident in the submission)

● Incomplete or insufficient empirical evidence reported in the abstract

● Lack of a relevant theoretical background evident in the abstract

● Lack of findings or results because the study has not yet been completed

● Any submission not received via the online system will not be reviewed

3. Presentation Methods


A symposium is a set of papers linked by a common theme (minimum of three papers).A symposium must have a Convenor, who organises the symposium submission and acts as the responsible link person to the conference organisers and (optionally) a named Discussant. The same person can fulfil these roles.Symposia will usually be allocated up to 75minutes for four papers plus discussion.

4. Refereeing procedure

Reviewers will be assessing each submission on a number of criteria:

Written Quality

Suitability for DFP Annual Conference

Overall Quality

For full reviewing criteria please visit the website.

Each submission is blind reviewed by at least two members of the DSEP Conference Committee according to established criteria and standards. 

Please note:

Submissions will be considered solely on the information you provide 

If a submission does not evidence all the required elements set out in the submission information above it will be rejected

From time to time referees may feel that a particular submission lends itself to a different format to that which is proposed and in these cases authors will be invited to consider an alternative format.

In the case of symposia submissions, the refereeing procedure will include the package as a whole and the merit and importance of any individual contributions. 

Authors will be notified of the referees’ decision via email. The decision of referees is final. The conference organising committee are unable to respond to further enquiries once a decision has been made. Every effort will have been made to accommodate any timetable constraints notified at the time of submission.

5. Further information


All presenters are expected to register and pay at the appropriate rate. Registration is open from late August 2024.


There will be five prizes on offer at this years’ conference, each receiving £50. You will need to note on the abstract submission form if you would like to be considered for an award (and if so, which). The awards are:

· Best student* presentation (from oral or symposia presentation)

· Best student* poster

· Best overall presentation (oral or symposia presentation made by a non-student)

· Best overall poster (by a non-student)

· Best workshop, panel or debate

· Best 5 minute challenge

*Eligibility criteria include either currently registered on a University course and/or enrolled on the BPS Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (QSEP).

Press Office

If successful, your submission may be considered suitable for a press release, timed to coincide with the conference. If this is so, a Press Officer will contact you to ask whether you wish your submission to be press released, and to discuss the content of the press release with you. To write an accurate press release, and to provide more information for journalists attending the conference, you may be asked for additional information regarding your submission. Please note all papers and posters are under a media embargo until the day of presentation.

Audio visual requirements

A data projector and laptop will be available in all seminar rooms. If you are likely to require additional equipment, please indicate this when submitting your abstract.

Code of Conduct

Authors of all material submitted must confirm adherence to the British Psychological Society’s Code of Ethics and Conduct. Particular attention should be made to the section on Integrity and the importance of sub-sections 4.1iii and 4.1vi. Copies of the Code may be obtained from the Society’s website: 

The use of non-sexist language

Submissions must not contain sexist language. The following suggestions are made about ways to avoid sexist language:

i)  Avoid using sex-specific forms generically. For example, use plurals they/their rather than he/she or his/her.

ii)  Delete pronouns – e.g., the participant completed his/her task becomes the participant completed the task. 

iii)  Avoid specifying the sex of the referent unless it is relevant – e.g., use counsellor, client or participant.

iv) Avoid making sex-stereotyped assumptions about people, their abilities, attitudes and relationships.

Guidelines for Psychologists Working with Animals

When submitting material, please note the guidelines for psychologists working with animals. Copies of these guidelines can be obtained online: 

SACWAP guidelines

When submitting material, please note the SACWAP guidelines dealing with the use of animals in psychological research. Copies of these guidelines can be obtained from the Leicester Office.

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