Abstract submissions will be accepted until 11:00pm CT, Sunday, December 8, 2024.
Please note that the poster session will be presented in-person only.
We appreciate your participation and desire to share your research. Abstract submissions will be accepted until 11:00 pm, CT, Sunday, December 8, 2024.
Abstract Guidelines:
Your abstract should use the following structure in order to provide a concise statement of the research you are conducting. Please describe the background, methods, results and conclusions of the research (these headers are required). Statistical analyses should be used when appropriate to support the conclusion; concluding statements such as "the results will be discussed" are not acceptable.
Describe experimental methods briefly (including relevant numbers of patients, etc.). Include specific findings and data. Please avoid phrases such as "will be completed" or "experiments are underway." Define all concepts and abbreviations upon first use (e.g., methicillin-resistant S. aureus [MRSA]).
Abstract submissions should be 400 words, excluding title and authors and limited to no more than two images (table and/or figure). Abstracts with more than one figure or table cannot be accepted.
Abstracts should be uploaded as a Word document (.docx) and formatted as below:
Please download and use this Sample Abstract as a template when you submit your abstract.
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