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TC3 Sponsor Interest Form
To help us build your personalized sponsorship proposal, please tell us a little about you, your company, and your sponsorship goals. Thank you
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Your answer
Role within the Company
Your answer
Email address
Your answer
Contact number
Your answer
Company size
0-10 employees
11-50 employees
51- 100 employees
101- 500 employees
Above 501 employees
Sponsorship Priorities
Thought Leadership
Product Leadership
Brand Awareness
Launching new initiative
Sponsorship Budget
$5000 to $10000
$10000 to $20000
$20000 to $30000
Above $30000
Why do you want to sponsor TC3? What would make it a "win" for you?
Your answer
Which of the following options would be of interest (click all that apply)
Branding – consider sponsoring lanyards, meals, coffee cart, member lounge, or MatchMaker software; or we can get creative with things like handouts, games, or video clips
Speaking - for example a keynote establishing your thought leadership, a case study with a technology partner showing your innovation leadership, a panel topic that highlights your market leadership, or a lunch table topic
Product - highlight a technology or product with a demo table, product demo, site visit, or video clip playing during breaks
Introductions - tools include hosting a lunch table, hosting a matchmaker meeting table, or specialized networking activity to drive introductions, people, and ideas to you
Influence - sponsoring the SPIFFY Awards or following cocktail, VIP/speaker breakfast, a pre-Summit activity or dinner with a select group of attendees…
Promotion - dedicated online promotion of your messaging via email, social marketing, newsletter etc, guest passes for your customers, inclusion in the post-event Roadmap document that gets circulated to our wider innovation community of 20k + subscribers
Thank you!
We appreciate your input and look forward to working with you to build the sponsorship package that meets your goals and budget. If you have any questions, please contact Liz Kerton,
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