Non-Winter Workshop Presenter Form
The Non-Winter Workshop follows in the tradition of the Higher Education/Teacher Training MidWinter Workshop, but will be held as an online-only webinar series Tuesdays and Thursdays in June.  This will (hopefully) allow for instructors with limited schedules and/or professional development budgets to attend and interact.  

Zoom webinar hosting instructions will be sent to presenters before the conference series begins.
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May we include your name, title, and affiliation in the conference program? *
E-mail Address *
Submission Deadline: Friday, May 10, 2019
Please note:
• All proposals must be submitted through this electronic proposal submission form.

• All communication about the proposal will be via email to the person listed as the primary presenter.

• All presentations must have been previously accepted to MIDTESOL 2018 or TESOL 2019.  The goal of this webinar series is to make multiple presentations accessible to a wider audience.
Primary Presenter Contact Information
First name *
Last name *
Title or Position *
Organization Affiliation *
City *
Phone *
State (Country if outside the USA) *
Primary email *
Secondary email
Additional Presenters
Please list the names of any additional presenters here.
Presentation information
Title of presentation *
Desired length of presentation *
Presentation Abstract (350 words or fewer) *
Presentation Strand *
Are there any dates when you cannot present?
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